News Releases

March 4, 2020

Farmind was introduced on "Oshietemorau mae to ato" (TV show) by MBS.

We received a request for program cooperation from MBS (Mainichi Broadcasting System) "Oshietemorau mae to ato (it means “before and after being taught”)" and we were interviewed at our Kawasaki Center how to keep bananas better.The scene of the interview was broadcast on the program on Tuesday, March 3, 2020.

Broadcasting program: "Oshietemorau mae to ato"
Broadcasting station: MBS (Mainichi Broadcasting System) TBS nationwide network
Broadcast date and time: March 3 (Tuesday) 20:00~
Program HP:
Content of the program : Improve immunity with hot banana juice / Improve tired eyes in 10 seconds

<Scene of the interview>