Farmind meets demand for supplies of imported fruits such as bananas and a wide-ranging selection of domestically grown farm-fresh fruits and vegetables. We leverage our cold chain and nationwide distribution network to deliver fresh produce, while also scrupulously responding to special sales, organic products and repacked products.

Besides offering the above product lineup, we provide highly effective support for sales promotion activities. With respect to banana sales, for example, we propose sales-enhancement measures that stimulate increased sales, including a program of analyzing POS data and marketing areas to help stores meet their banana sales targets as well as banana shake tasting campaigns. We are currently embarking on new forms of sales support, moreover, such as product development, product assortment and sales floor arrangement for convenience stores and drugstores that engage in fresh product sales.
Clearly, then, Farmind does more than supply fresh produce. We also offer proposals for product lineups and sales tactics. We urge you to consult with us to find out what we can contribute to improving your business.